I have embarked on what I hope will be a 4 month, 17,000 mile motorcycle ride through the US and parts of Mexico and Canada to visit family and friends and to benefit Children International. Please consider supporting me – learn more here Will's Charity Ride for Children International - PledgeIt _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ March 29, 2024 Starting Odometer (24,163) 6:15AM Contrary to the weather forecast just last night, it is not yet raining, but it looks like a 50% probability locally and it seems to decrease as I head south to outrun the rain, the plan today is to ride 333 miles to Mojave, CA. With a 50% probability do I put on the rain gear or not???? Some might ask, "Why not just put it on?" Well because while it will keep me dry, it is a pain to put on, blah, blah, blah.../ As it turns out, today I planned to out pace the rain. Maybe you've he...